Trip to Katharahgama, Sri Lanka - Part II

Trip to Kataragama Part II- Kirivehera Temple and Devalaya (Visit my previous post for Part I of this post by clicking here ) Kirivehera Stupa According to the history written down in the Mahawansa Chronicle, by accepting King Mahasen’s invitation, Lord Buddha, followed by 500 Arahant monks visited the King’s Royal Garden named as “Kihirivane” in Sri Lanka. A golden chair had been kept prepared in the middle of the Royal Garden on which the Lord Buddha could sit on and preach a Dhamma Summon (where the stupa is built on now). Additionally, around Lord Buddha’s chair, the King had also taken steps to prepare 500 seats honorably for the arahant monks who had arrived with Lord Buddha to his Royal Garden as per his invitation. The King too listened to the Dhamma Summon preached by Lord Buddha and attained Sovan State (a stage in the chain of attaining Nibbhana). At the end of the Dhamma Summon, King Mahasen has requested for some memorable treasures which could be use...