Recap of 2016

Recap of 2016 2016 is almost over and a new year is ahead. Most of the things might have happened to you during this year. You may have gained new things, lost things, learned a lot more other things, met new people, visited new places and so on and so forth. Overall for me, this year was one of the most busiest years in my life. Although its been almost 2 years ever since I created my blog, I could hardly make many travel posts this year. The main reason been that I was much busy with my law exams which are still on going. Nevertheless, I created this final post for this year to recap the few but very exciting posts that I created throughout the year. Not to of course forget that its already been a year ever since I created my YouTube channel which you could view here . My first post for the year was on HOW TO GET RID OF STRESS . I hope that this post was of help for those who were and who are still suffering from stress. I next published the series of posts with ...