Pray for Amazon, Duties towards mother earth.

Do we fulfill our duties to mother earth? The world is full of requests and protests to obtain their own rights. People talk of human rights and endless amounts of rights that bring those rights into pages and pages of books. But why do most people on this earth not look into the rights the animals and nature are entitled to and only concentrate on their own benefits? SELFISHNESS !!! This might be the answer that pop into everyone's heads when such a question is raised. Animals and nature cannot claim their own rights as they cannot speak up like we do. But thanks to many concerned individuals, major man caused nature disasters have been stopped and are been watched. The law has also been watching nature destroying wrongdoers and sufficient punishments have been imposed. When one half of the world work hard to preserve the nature, another half do absolutely nothing but destroy the very little and scarce natural sources available to us. An up roaring incide...